20 Less Known Facts About Everyday Objects

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

20 Less Known Facts About Everyday Objects:

There are some less known facts about everyday objects that we use day to day life. Manufacturers have made them in such a way that we can use them easily.

However, a common person does not know all that stuff. Here are some Less known facts about 20 everyday objects

  1. Hole at the end of a ball point pen: –

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

First thing that we use everyday is ball point pen. You have seen a hole at the end of the cap. Do you know why it is there? It is there to protect child from choking. If a child swallows it, he can still breathe through the hole.

  1. A small hole on an airplane window: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

There are 3 panes in the window of the aeroplane. The tiny hole is known as “Bleed hole”. The purpose of the small “bleed hole” is to allow pressure to equilibrate between the passenger cabin and the air gap between the panes. First of all, it serves as an equilibrium for the pressure. And secondly it prevents the window from fogging up.

  1. An extra scrap of fabric with clothes: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

An extra scrap of cloth comes when you buy a shirt or a trouser. If you think it is for sewing as a patch if the shirt is torn. It is there to check the quality of fabric when you wash it. You can check it by washing the sample using a washing powder or bleach to know if it’ll shrink or colour bleed.

  1. Mini pocket in jeans: –

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

You can call it a coin pocket, match pocket and ticket pocket. This little “extra pouch” inside a pocket is actually for watches, designed for cowboys in the 1800s. Amazing!

  1. Rivets on jeans: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

Those little metaled buttons, known as ‘rivets’, they are placed on areas of the jeans that are most likely to be pulled apart by strain or movement and help hold the fabric together, thereby making them last longer.

  1. Holes in shoes on converse: –

Less known facts 20 everyday objects


These holes allow your feet to breathe. They serve the purpose of “bar lacing”. This method allows your shoes to be tighter around your feet.

  1. The Head of a measure tape: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

  1. True Zero Hook feature is to find a true measure. You might have noticed that from 0 to 1, it is slightly short. For this purpose, the metaled portion of tape is slightly loose.
  2. Nail and Screw Grab: – That slot is there to grab on to the head of a nail or screw.

 8. Serrated scribing tool: –

Have you ever noticed the serrated bottom edge of the end hook on a tape measure? If you’re using the measure and don’t have a marking tool at hand, you can press this edge into your work piece, scratch it back and forth, and make a mark.

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

9. Hole at the end of a Pot: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

 You can stand your spatula, turner or wooden spoon in such an angle that the contents on them would drip back inside the pot instead of making a mess all over the place.

  1. Hole in a spaghetti spoon: –

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

You can measure the one serving of spaghetti. However, many dry noodles fit into that hole count as a single serving. In this way, it serves 2 purposes.

  1. Wavy side in a hairpin: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

I am sure many girls are using it wrong. So now you can use bobby hairpin in a right way.

  1. Hole at the bottom of a lock: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

The hole is there for draining water out if you are using lock outside door.

  1. Ferrite Choke or bead on cable: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

Ferrite Bead has the ability to stop and block the emission of radio waves form the power cords and uses electrical energy for charging purpose only without power losses.

  1. Utility blade cap: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

You can open the cap of utility blade and place it on another side to make a razor like sharp edge.


  1. Spike on the middle of a cap: –

 Less known facts 20 everyday objects

It is there to puncture the new tube.

  1. F and J keys of a keyboard: – As these are the finger resting keys. The line is there so that you can find the centre without looking on the keyboard.

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

17. Hole in a ruler: – The hole in ruler is there to hang it.

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

18. A piece of plastic on the lid of tic-tac: –

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

It serves the purpose of a lid and dispense the candies.

  1. Plastic disc on the lid of soda bottle lid: – It is the pressure seal. The softer plastic “liner” acts as a membrane. And it acts as a gas proof barrier, keeping your soda fresh and bubbly.

Less known facts 20 everyday objects

20. Indentation on the bottom of the wine bottle: – The indent allows the bottles to stacked safely with the neck of one resting on the indent of the bottle below. Moreover, it also helps to keep it safe from breaking due to pressure.

Less known facts about 20 everyday objects

These were some Less known facts 20 everyday objects that we have been using wrongly till now.

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